Albums of the Year: 1972
Albums of the Year: 1971
Albums of the Year: 1970
Albums of the Year: 1969
Albums of the Year: 1968
Songs of the Year: 2020
Songs of the Year: 2019
Songs of the Year: 2018
Songs of the Year: 2017
Songs of the Year: 2016
Joe’s 2022 Complete Album Rankings
Jason’s 2022 Complete Album Rankings
Joe’s Top 50 Songs of 2021
Best of 2021: Joe’s Genre Awards
Kramzer’s 2021 Complete Album Rankings
We’ve reached the end of 2021, and despite my earlier protestations, it ended up being a pretty, pretty, pretty good year. If you haven’t watched our...
Here's every single album that Joe listened to in 2021, from ABBA to Yola, ranked accordingly.