Songs of the Year
Songs of the Year: 1964
A change is coming to the top of the charts. The British invasion is here. But it’s not all across pond, Motown and folk still make strong showings in 1964.
The times they are a-changing. But don’t worry, baby. Listography has you covered.
The year is 1964 and we’re picking our favorite songs of the year.
It’s a simple concept. We pick five of our favorite songs that made the Billboard Top 100 (established in 1958) during any time that year. We also select five “wildcards” that can be any songs released as a single or on an album or EP that year. Finally, we also pick our “worst” song of the year, just for fun.
We started in 1958 and we’re going until we run out of years.
The Beatles dominate the charts, but watch out for the Kinks, Zombies, The Who, The Beach Boys and a cohort of Motown classics like The Supremes, Four Tops and the Temptations. It’s 1964 and the modern rock’n roll era has officially begun.
A nice variety in the songs of the year, but it’s still going to be dominated by the big B’s.
Which song will reign supreme? Vote for which of us (Kramzer, Joe, Jason) had the best song of the year. You can find them down below in Spotify or YouTube form.
Check back every week for a NEW episode and don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and share this post or this video on all your favorite social networks because lord knows we’ve earned it.
Standings So Far
Jason cruised to an easy victory with “Be My Baby” in 1963, so the standings have tightened even more with Joe trailing the two front runners by a mere half win.
Kramzer: 2.5
Jason: 2.5
Joe: 2
Which Was the Best Song of 1964?
- The Times They Are A-Changin' - Bob Dylan (51%, 86 Votes)
- Don't Worry Baby - Beach Boys (49%, 81 Votes)
Total Voters: 167
