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Songs of the Year

Songs of the Year: 2011

2011 was 11 years ago. That’s the most interesting thing about 2011.



2011 was a year. Now it’s over.

THE RULES: It’s a simple concept. We pick five of our favorite songs that made the Billboard Top 100 (established in 1958) during any time that year. We also select five “wildcards” that can be any songs released as a single or on an album or EP that year. Finally, we also pick our “worst” song of the year, just for fun.

We started in 1958 and we’re going until we run out of years.

Standings So Far …

In what will probably be the last chance for a hip-hop artist to win, the voters decided to go for the most whitebread band possible. The National’s Conversation 16 earned a narrow three vote win over Kanye West’s POWER. It just so happens that every single person on earth who thinks that song is better than POWER managed to vote this week. Quite astounding! That’s three losses in four years for Joe by a total of 5 votes.

This year we a nightmare scenario for Jason: the ultra rare double nomination from Joe and Kramzer.

With just 10 years to go, it’s still anyone’s game.

Joe: 22
Jason: 20.5
Kramzer: 16.5


Which Was the Best Song of 2011?

  • Midnight City by M83 (63%, 54 Votes)
  • Moon in the Water by Dawes (37%, 32 Votes)

Total Voters: 86

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Best Songs of the Year Playlist

Best Songs of the Year | 2011 | Spotify Edition

Worst Songs of the Year Playlist

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