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Songs of the Year

Songs of the Year: 2008

Let’s Dance!



It’s 2008 and Lady Gaga is about to shake up the pop music world. Just Dance, Poker Face, Lovegame and Paparazzi changed how pop music could be and Lady Gaga’s distinctive style, theatrical music videos and emphasis on her own celebrity inspired basically everyone else to do the same.

THE RULES: It’s a simple concept. We pick five of our favorite songs that made the Billboard Top 100 (established in 1958) during any time that year. We also select five “wildcards” that can be any songs released as a single or on an album or EP that year. Finally, we also pick our “worst” song of the year, just for fun.

We started in 1958 and we’re going until we run out of years.

Standings So Far …

One vote? One goddamned vote? That’s all that separated Jason and Joe in the 2007 voting. The winner? Wilco. The loser? Democracy. For 2008, three well-known names face off, but let’s be serious, the hip-hop artist isn’t going to win.

Joe: 22
Jason: 19.5
Kramzer: 14.5


Which Was the Best Song of 2008?

  • Oxford Comma by Vampire Weekend (50%, 63 Votes)
  • Crying by TV on the Radio (34%, 42 Votes)
  • Love Lockdown by Kanye West (16%, 20 Votes)

Total Voters: 125

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Best Songs of the Year Playlist

Best Songs of the Year | 2008 | Spotify Edition

Best Songs of the Year | 2008 | YouTube edition

Worst Songs of the Year Playlist

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